In the world of VC, venture studios (or, firms which integrate capital investment, operational resources, and expert guidance to lead founders from ideation to launch and...
The one sport that taught me the most about leading teams and building companies was hockey––a game of tenacity, toughness, synchronization, and conflict-resolution. I played sports...
While you can’t spread yourself too thin, it’s also important not to totally close yourself off to new ideas or opportunities that might come through your...
Be generous––whether operating in the capacity of a founder, an employee, or simply as someone going through their everyday routine. Nobody likes being sold to. In...
If you’re an investor, know that these pieces must be in place before you invest in a startup: The founders must be strong leaders who (ideally)...
Ultimately, you should use your pitch as a “checklist” for vetting yourself and for making sure you have everything done. As an investor in multiple startups...
There are some things you can do in preparing for an acquisition to try and normalize the process and ensure that, ultimately, the decisions you make...
Before you fully commit to bootstrapping (even if just for a year to validate your market), there are a few important things you should know. There’s...
At the end of the day, what matters most here is learning as much about the other person as you possibly can before agreeing to move...