A strong privacy policy is a serious competitive advantage for a business. After all, if data is your stock and trade, as it is for many...
Providing great and valuable customer experience means ensuring every single touchpoint you have with a customer is pleasant and seamless. The definition of customer experience––or, CX––can...
It’s not only possible—but a must—to build a company that’s ethical. Ethics is one of the biggest issues facing the tech industry today. Increasingly complex technologies...
If we want the tech industry to provide useful products that are also ethical, we have to make some changes as a society first. Since last...
These days, AI is almost always in the news in some form or fashion. A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times published a piece...
What Is: Up To The Minute? A thought leadership showcase. A wealth of knowledge. Your new weekly go-to source of insight from voices big and small...