If you want to stay competitive, open communication and widespread understanding should be your top priorities. We’re currently in the midst of what people are calling,...
Fundraising is practically like working a second job. Fundraising is a job in itself. From the outside, raising money for your startup seems like an easy...
Many founders today go about making these critical early hiring decisions the wrong way. Namely, they lend too much credence to intellectual horsepower. As a founder,...
Liking someone isn't enough to decide whether or not to make them an offer.
Finding a problem within a business can actually be a good thing. Because once you’ve identified it, you can solve it. And by solving your problems,...
Before you fully commit to bootstrapping (even if just for a year to validate your market), there are a few important things you should know. There’s...
At the end of the day, success is always the result of who can adjust to the demands of the market faster. When you’re building a...
Parkinson’s Law says, “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion,” and I’ve seen that to be too true. Company-wide meetings are a huge...
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership. I’ve found myself in leadership positions starting from a very young age. As a kid, I was a Boy Scout...
Humans generally learn through trial and error. But it benefits us to learn through the trial and errors of others as much as we can. Those...