Genre therapy is the art and science of finding the sweet intersection between what you were born to write, and what’s most likely to reach the...
Knowing who your reader is everything when it comes to knowing how to write for them. Writers who want to make the most of their words...
Writers worry that if they write in their own voice, it will somehow minimize the strength of what they have to say. Nothing’s further from the...
Creativity isn’t magic. It’s habit. I’ve been writing, and making a career of it, for well over a decade now. I’ve done all kinds of writing,...
YOU are your biggest asset. YOU are also your biggest obstacle. I have two questions for you. How successful do you want to be? And how...
Here's what happened when I challenged myself to write every day: I became one of the most-read life advice and entrepreneurship writers on the internet.
By the time I released my book on Amazon, I reached #2 in two separate categories within the first 24 hours of launch—and I recouped all...
There are a lot of people who would disagree with this notion of "reading" being nearly insignificant when it comes to mastering the craft of the...
When I started my professional writing career, my preferred writing tools were pretty simple: 1 IBM Selectric typewriter. (A high school graduation present from my parents.)...