Content marketing can be incredibly powerful for driving leads for your business. If you know how to do it right. I have been helping brands, businesses,...
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Viral videos all follow the same basic formula. Hook: “Woah, that’s different! You have my attention.” Story: “Take...
The fundamentals of B2B marketing aren’t that different from B2C marketing or marketing in general. At the end of the day, you’re selling to a person. ...
The key to creating a successful digital marketing campaign is to create what I like to call a Hook Point. If you’ve never created a Hook...
I’ve had hundreds of videos go viral. And yes, there’s a “method to the madness.” In 2018, I ran an experiment: “Can I build a following...
All effective digital marketing comes down to one very simple thing: Does your content have a Hook Point? A Hook Point is the unique idea that...