A lot of people say they’ll take on difficult tasks, but few are truly willing to do what it takes to see things through. Throughout my...
A side hustle is more than just a side gig. Ask any vlogger, artist, or musician—it’s really, really difficult to make money as a creative. People...
Sometimes, the tech you already have gets the job done better, faster, and cheaper. The last thing anyone who works in Silicon Valley wants to...
“Work-life balance” is often considered the holy grail of employee satisfaction. But when you really break it down, you’ll find it’s hugely overrated and misleading. When...
The tech sector’s Achilles heel is often the very thing that makes is such an innovative space—its love of the latest and greatest technology. Shiny new...
If you search “great leadership qualities,” you’ll find no shortage of articles promising to supply the recipe to fame and fortune. But a few generic character...