Most companies feel the need to be present on every single social media platform to reach their full marketing potential. Marketing managers are instructed to create...
A side hustle is more than just a side gig. Ask any vlogger, artist, or musician—it’s really, really difficult to make money as a creative. People...
The social-media world is in need of some serious tough love.
“Nothing is harder to do than nothing,” artist and professor Jenny Odell opens her recent book, How To Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy. Odell is...
I sat up and closed Tik Tok on my phone, staring in disbelief at the setting sun outside my window. It had been bright outside when...
For brands and the people who bash them, Twitter is a conflicting place. Rife as it is with critics like Jon Hendren, “Brands Saying Bae,” and...
Slack has only been around for a little over 5 years, but the communication app’s signature “shhhtick-thunk-thunk-thunk” has invaded our dreams. It’s on our computers, tablets,...
If you’ve spent any time whatsoever on social media, you know how important it is to stay woke. While the term “woke” has political origins dating...
What Is: Up To The Minute? A thought leadership showcase. A wealth of knowledge. Your new weekly go-to source of insight from voices big and small...
Unvirtuous, pilfering social media empires are falling—and it seems like copyright law and order are finally being established in the Twitterverse and on Instagram, Facebook, and...